In conclusions, information technology now is becoming more important since that it can increase process efficiency, improve communication, and facilitate collaboration. The web-based recruitment is one of the methods that had been used by many companies to get a wide range of feedback from applicant. This helps them to reduce cost of advertising and it may enhance the organization effectiveness and efficiency. Internet is a borderless network and travel fast. Having a web-based system really benefits to an organization because it can help the recruitment manager to get applicants to apply the job vacancies even though it have some disadvantageous such as corrupted or missing files due to virus and spyware. But still, the systems have many implications to the users. It makes it easy to the human resource administration to organize recruitment and staffing task. Lastly, there are three HRIS models that a company can use which are the multinational, international and global model. Each model will be selected by using three strategic needs which are the need for responsiveness through local differentiation, the need for efficiency through global integration and the need for learning through leveraging worldwide innovation and knowledge sharing. Multinational model is using an approach which allows the local management to use their anatomy based on their own social culture. The local management will have the freedom to partially manage the HR system in that region. International model is more towards sharing and learning the new knowledge from expertise. It is then will be adapted and implemented to the local organization. Global model aims to be efficient by standardising and centralize the system. However, transnational model is a model consist of the three models mentioned above and can be implemented in one organization by looking at the current needs of the organization.
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
Globalizing HRIS
In the new era of globalization, the internet is being used worldwide. Since that it can connect people all over the world via virtual world, it makes it easy for companies to cooperate with each other. Companies which implements HRIS can be considered one step ahead of other companies which do not implement it because HRIS includes the use of new technology basis.
In globalizing HRIS, there are three models that a company can use which are the multinational, international and global model. These models will be selected by using three strategic needs. These needs are the need for responsiveness through local differentiation, the need for efficiency through global integration and the need for learning through leveraging worldwide innovation and knowledge sharing.
Multinational model is using an approach of implementing HRIS with involvement of regional and local sensitivity. This approach allows the local management to use their anatomy based on their own social culture. The local management will have the freedom to partially manage the HR system in that region. Compared to international model, they have some similarities, which is adapting to the local control. However, this model is more towards sharing and learning the new knowledge from expertise. It is then will be adapted and implemented to the local organization. Only some local values that can still be considered will remain unchanged. The difference with multinational is that multinational takes more local sensitivity into account. Last but not least is the global model which aims to be efficient by standardising and centralize the system. These three models have both advantage and disadvantage just like ‘yin’ and ‘yang’. However, there is a model which has a flexible implementation of the system. This model consist of the three models mentioned above and can be implemented in one organization by looking at the current needs of the organization. It is called the transnational model.
In conclusion, there actually is no best model of implementing the system. The models will be best implemented according to the needs of the organization. If it needs the global model implementation, then global model is the best model to be used in that time and so force.
Web Based Human Resource Planning: Recruiting and Staffing
Many companies nowadays have changed or have added extra mediums to promote any job vacancies in their organization. The most famous web-based recruiting sites are and In fact, there are many other web-based job vacancies advertisements that had been developed to help applicants to find a job. At the meantime, it also helps the recruitment manager to get applicants to apply for the job vacancies. That is why the web based recruiting and staffing system were developed, to help the human resource management to find the right people to fill the job vacancies in organization as well as to decrease employees’ turnover. It operates as the hiring system, positioning employees to the right sit, retaining employees and many other functions. Any system must be created for their advantages, however this system also have some disadvantages.
Having a web-based system provides plenty of benefits to an organization, such as it will be able to reach a wide range of target. It may also reduce cost and time. Imagine if you use the spread sheet or newspaper to spread the job vacancies information, it will cost you a lot of papers, commission pay and takes time too. This system also makes the selection process goes easier. By using the website, employer can always update any new requirements for the job and can be read by applicants and also the current staff as to improve their skills according to the requirement. By that, this system can help to maintain qualified workers in the company. As we know, internet is a borderless network and travel fast. So, anybody can get information through internet, it is easy and fast.
However, there are some limitations of using this web based system. When this web based becoming easier to be accessed by applicant, employers tend to receive a huge amount of unqualified candidates mixed up with the qualified ones. Candidates also face information overload from the company since that the company’s website spill out various of information to be read by visitors and applicants. So these applicants may have to search back the necessary information from the site. Other than that, the system usually requires user name and password, means that not everyone can have the access to the information. Moreover, some companies created a super duper advance website which requires a manual to explore the website. Last but not least, the most disadvantageous thing about web based system is that the information may be corrupted or missing due to the spyware and virus.
As a conclusion, using the web based system on recruitment and staffing have many implications to the users; either to the employer, employee or applicants. This system makes it easy to the human resource administration to organize recruitment and staffing tasks, also create a wide range of accessibility to other users including a broad labour market.
Sunday, 1 April 2012
Introduction to information system and competitive advantage
Nowadays, many companies have improved information technology in their company all over the world. The information technology includes anything that extracts data, information or perceived knowledge in any visual format for example via any multimedia distribution mechanism. Information technology now is becoming more important since that it can increase process efficiency, improve communication, and facilitate collaboration.
Process efficiency is like where we can complete the task within the time range. For instance, the web-based recruitment is one of the recruitment methods that had been used by many companies to get a wide range of feedback from applicant. With the aid of technology, a human resource recruitment staff will be able to get as many applications as they want in a given range of time. This helps them to reduce cost of advertising as well as getting applicant from anywhere since internet has no boundaries and a fast traveler. Information technology also helps to improve communication and facilitate collaboration. Despite using mail or traveling from east to west, a meeting can be done by using video conference video where both parties can view each other and listen to the audio clearly. This will reduce the miscommunication that might occur when mails are written.
Technology is the cause and drive for business strategy. There are five competitive strategies, which are cost leadership, differentiation strategy, innovation strategy, growth strategy and alliance strategy. Cost leadership refers to the ability to consume as low cost as possible from the company. Whereas a differentiated strategy is how a company can produce one different product from the other companies, for example Nokia only produces hand phones. Innovation strategy is when a company are able to make themselves unique, for example the Apple products. Apple has their own unique features where it attracts consumers to buy their product even though the price is high. Growth strategy is the ability to expand the company to other region or perhaps to be expanded abroad. Last but not least is the alliance strategy whereby a company is able to make networking with the allies who can then market their product. Hence, in a nut shell, a company must have at least a few of the five competitive strategies in order to have a well market share inside and outside region.
In conclusion, from this lesson I found that information technology brings about many advantages to an organization where it may enhance the organization effectiveness and efficiency.
About Me...

I’m Affie Nadia binti Ab Rahman. I was born in Hospital Besar Klang, Selangor in 1990. So, I think everyone can guess how old I am right now. However, I didn't stay long and grow up as a Selangorian. My father’s job required us to move around. We've moved to about five districts in Malaysia, and a few countries outside Malaysia. It was quite fun when you get to know other’s culture, beliefs and language. However, it is a bit distressing for the first two weeks moving into a new society especially to get used with the social environment.
My life journey started when I was 2 years old, we went to UK and stayed there for only about a week because my mom got pregnancy sick. So, only my father stayed since that he’s got a job to be done there. When I was 5 years old, we went to Holland for about 5 month. Those memories were a sweet memory to remember even though I was too young to capture the sweet memory.
Next, I started my kindergarten school at Tadika Kemas Shah Alam when I was 6. Then our family moved to Penang, I started my standard one and two at SEK KEB Bagan Jermal. Then we moved to Lunas, Kedah for 3 and a half year. Half year passed in 2002, when I was supposed to sit for UPSR, we moved to Bandung, Indonesia for another 2 years. This was when I was pushed by the school environment to learn English, starting from the very zero! It was a very tough time, yet fun flooded with the experiences I got during my study in Bandung International School.
After a fun two years have passed, our family moved back to Malaysia and stay in Perak till I’m in form 4. It doesn’t end there because I switch school from SEK MEN Teknik Ipoh, Perak to SEK MEN Teknik Matang, Sarawak. Then I enter Kolej Matrikulasi Perak for one year in Physical Science module. After that, here I am, studying a Human Resource field in UTM, Psychology (Industrial and Organizational) for three years. After this, I may further my study to the master level or probably be working to treat my parents my very first earnings. ^_^
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