I’m Affie Nadia binti Ab Rahman. I was born in Hospital Besar Klang, Selangor in 1990. So, I think everyone can guess how old I am right now. However, I didn't stay long and grow up as a Selangorian. My father’s job required us to move around. We've moved to about five districts in Malaysia, and a few countries outside Malaysia. It was quite fun when you get to know other’s culture, beliefs and language. However, it is a bit distressing for the first two weeks moving into a new society especially to get used with the social environment.
My life journey started when I was 2 years old, we went to UK and stayed there for only about a week because my mom got pregnancy sick. So, only my father stayed since that he’s got a job to be done there. When I was 5 years old, we went to Holland for about 5 month. Those memories were a sweet memory to remember even though I was too young to capture the sweet memory.
Next, I started my kindergarten school at Tadika Kemas Shah Alam when I was 6. Then our family moved to Penang, I started my standard one and two at SEK KEB Bagan Jermal. Then we moved to Lunas, Kedah for 3 and a half year. Half year passed in 2002, when I was supposed to sit for UPSR, we moved to Bandung, Indonesia for another 2 years. This was when I was pushed by the school environment to learn English, starting from the very zero! It was a very tough time, yet fun flooded with the experiences I got during my study in Bandung International School.
After a fun two years have passed, our family moved back to Malaysia and stay in Perak till I’m in form 4. It doesn’t end there because I switch school from SEK MEN Teknik Ipoh, Perak to SEK MEN Teknik Matang, Sarawak. Then I enter Kolej Matrikulasi Perak for one year in Physical Science module. After that, here I am, studying a Human Resource field in UTM, Psychology (Industrial and Organizational) for three years. After this, I may further my study to the master level or probably be working to treat my parents my very first earnings. ^_^
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