
Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Fashion? Not me~


Talking about fashion, I have nothing to be passionate about it. REALLY. I don’t really bother about what I wore for that day. I can even go to work using 5 pairs of ‘baju kurung’ for two months period. Well, If you are also like that, welcome to the club ^_^~

Some of the times, I can even wear the same pair of ‘baju kurung’ twice in a week. So what? I’m not naked. Who cares~ haha. That is totally me. Some girls might think with weird looks, ‘‘Err, she wore the same pair of ‘baju kurung’ every week’’. It doesn’t matter, as long as I’m not wearing anything like bikini~

Well, the thing that I wanna share here is about my lil sista. She’s way different from me. She’s still in middle school, but REALLY~REALLY care about how she dress, and it bothers me a bit, I think. ^^p Well, dear sista, you might be reading this post, I know. It’s ok, it’s general. ^-^

My lil sista is the kind of person who CANNOT wear the same pair of dress in different occasion. Oh gosh~ ==’ I don’t know where she got this kinda thinking. Let say, this week is Hari Raya. The following week is Hari Raya celebration at school. There should not be any same pairs of ‘baju kurung’.  Oh, then the following weeks will be two more dinners; class dinner and the middle schools’ dinner. None of these occasions will see her wearing the same pairs of dress. Err~

If you think you have the same attitude like my lil sista, you should strive and be a great student. You better study hard and smart, so that you can get a great job, perhaps. Coz in your room, you may need 2 closets just for your own dresses. ==’

Hehe..sorry, no heart feeling ya lil sista ^^p! 

Monday, 29 October 2012

Boye !!


cer korang tgk link bawah nih..hohohoh.. besorrr buaye tuuuuuu!! ^0^

Crocosaurus Cove (Cage of Death, Australia)

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Campak2... hancus.. =_=’


Oke.. Mcm kebanyakkan grown-up girls, aku pun teringin jugak nak belajar masak2 dan buat experiment kat dapur. Rather than just copy the original recipe, I made some ‘touch up’ with the hope it’ll work… well at least with acceptable taste. ^_^

So aku pun cuba lah buat daging masak merah dgn campuran ramuan asing. Hahaha! I’m not gonna tell what it is! Kalau mak mertua tau, reject terus! ^^p heheh. Mula2 masa masukkan bahan-bahan tumis yg biasa, bau dia… pergh! Hehe..boleh tahan jgk la. ^_^ Soon…very soon after I add up the special ingredient, bau dia jadi lain terus. Pelik se- dua- tiga-macam. I was like…’Ow2.. =_=’ abeh laa~’

And yaa~ smells weird and tastes weird. Haha! Seb baik aku tak gunakan lauk dalam portion yang besar utk experiment itu tadi. (^^p). Time mak kita masak, kita mesti kata mcm ni “Emm, sedapnya mak masak…masak ape ni mak?”. Mak pun jawab, “Sedap ke? Ala, mak masak campak-campak je”. Bila time aku, “Err, masak ape tuu Nadia Ichigo? Pelik je baunye”. Aku pun jawab, “Pelik ke mak? Tu la, sbb ikut masak campak2 jgk la ni..heheh. Opss~”

Hahaha~ Oke, sbagai grown-up girl, aku tak sepatutnya masak ‘campak-campak’ lagi kot. =_=’ Adeh.. Mak aku sebaya aku dah masak macam2 dh kot. Tapi tak tau la dah main ‘campak-campak’ ke belum. ^^p.

Anyway, I think it’s never too late to wish all the Muslims, Salam Eiduladha. (^_^) Raya kami tahun ni tak meriah sgt… Tak balik kampong, adik-bradik pun di perantauan. Sob3~

Sekian, Wassalam. 

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Forever alone


Deep…very deep inside my heart
I wish I could have a real BESTFRIEND
I need not any imaginary best friends
Who drop by just when they need a shoulder…
Who drop by when they need a hand to pull them up…
Who drop by for reasons…
Is that what you call a BESTFRIEND?

A best friend is someone who drop by for no reason
Someone who can be your enemy and your comrade at the same time
Someone who wants to be by your side as who you really are, no masks.
There are times when I thought I found one
We do things together
Help each other
Contacts for no reason… just to chat and be crazy
I thought it would last forever
Never knew that person was a good actor
Is this what you call a BESTFRIEND?

Now I never really hope for a best friend for me
Yeah, I’m forever alone
But at least I can be a counsellor
Or a shoulder
For anyone who needs it
I can be a good friend of yours
Maybe it’s me myself who don’t deserve a BESTFRIEND…

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Coret-Coret hidup aku.. ^_^

Dulu, masa aku kat sekolah rendah, perangai teruk nauzubillah. ==’ Astaghfirullah al’azim. Kenapa tah suka sgt menipu. >.<’’ Ohhhh, aku tawu. Sebab result exam aku selalu teruk. Ish3. Aku taktaw la budak2 lain pernah buat benda yg sama dgn aku ke tak.. huhu. Dulu prangai aku pnye teruk (masa skolah rendah ni!!) buku report card tu aku bleh ‘liquid’ padam markah2 mane subjek yg aku kurg cerdik nk lepas. Biasanya subjek2 itu ialah BI lah. Hahaha..Seb baek aku blom baligh time tu. Huhhu. Mak ayah, ampunkan eden yer.. T.T sob3..

Nk dipendekkan cerita................................................................

Allah takdirkan family aku berpindah ke ‘oversea’ 2 tahun atas sbb pekerjaan ayah aku lah. So kat sini la perubahan dlm hidup aku bermula. Aku yg jahil BI ni dihantar masuk ke sekolah antarabangsa yg menggunakan bhsa inggeris sebagai bahasa pengantar utk SEMUA subjek. Note this, SEMUA SUBJEK. Walaoweii…….!! >.< bagai nk gila lah rasanya. Bayangkan, aku cuma faham:-
1) I itu saya
2) YOU itu awak

Minda aku bercelaru gila time tu!! Argghhhh~~!!
“Maaaaaakkkk, tanak pegi skolahhhh.. Eden tak paham apebenda yg ckgu2 tu cakap..!! T.T” kata aku kpd emakku..
Mak pun kata, “Sabarlah, belajar sikit2..lama2 nanti pandai la”.
Sebenarnya mak aku pun kesian gak kat aku..Memang mak aku kata aku ni la paling kuno antara adik-bradik yg atas n bawah aku. Hahaha!! Umor dh 12 tahun, guna computer pon tak pandai gi. ==’ You get me? Haha.. kucing pon minat komputer. Buat malu je. =='


Masa kat M’sia sblum kami berangkat ke oversea tu, abg aku banyak kali dah ajak aku main games kt computer dgn guna Microsoft word. At least aku tau mcm mane nk guna computer bila besar nanti. Aku kata dgn selamba dn muka toya, “Taknak lah. Xminat la long”.

Datang2 blajar kat oversea, hah, kena masuk komputer lab utk subjek IT. Tepuk dahi la aku.. ==’ Mcm mne aku nk guna mendalah ni. Adeh.. Pastu baru nk teringat..tu la, dulu Along ajak blaja guna komputer taknak. Hambekk ko! T.T Sob3~

Peh tu balik je ke M’sia, aku masuk ke alam skolah menengah dh. Haha.. 1st day kt skolah pon, aku dh culture shock kat tanah tumpah darah sendiri. Tekejut beruk aku!! Mak aii, garangnya cikgu2 kt M’sia nih. ==’ Dulu aku kt oversea tu, xpernah aku dgr cikgu aku menjerit time marah. Fuhhh.. Kuss semangat. Nevermind lah cikgu, saya bleh adapt dgn apa jua environment. Muahahahah! ^0^ Marahla, marahla! Haha.. oops ^^p. Tapi aku berusaha sehabis mgkin utk tak kena rotan. Haha!

Kisah2 aku tu ialah 10 years back. Skrg nih aku dh jd manusia yg agak celik IT dn tak buta BI. Ahaha. Fuuuh~~ Alhamdulillah, syukur nikmat dn kurnia Allah.. Thank You Allah kerana takdir yg telah Engkau susun utk hambaMu yg bodoh sombong lg pemalas ni. Hehehe.. Mmg Allah tu Maha Berkuasa kn. ^_^ Cantik je aturan Dia.

Aku yg dulu itu buta IT, skrg dh bleh tlg2 mak aku utk mana2 simple IT software atau problem, dh bleh guna blog dh. Haha. Tu pon merangkak lagi. Ye lah, tak rajin explore kn.. ^^ hehe. Aku jgk, yg dulu masa skola rendah BUTA bahasa Inggeris, skrg ni alhamdulillah untuk subjek English, aku manage utk score A wlwpun aku speaking tak cair, grammar masih kucar kacir. PMR aku dpt anugerah matapelajaran terbaik BI. Uiyo, aku pun tak sangka taw. O.o’’ BM pun aku tak dpt A utk PMR..huhu. Memalukan negara betul. T.T

Aku igtkan SPM aku dpt mengubah sejarah tu la.. rupanya sama ja!! >.< utk PMR, BM dpt B, BI dpt A.. Utk SPM, aku target BM aku bleh lah nk score A1 bg tmbah A dlm slip result kn.. rupa2nya. ==’ BM aku dpt B4, BI aku plak A1. Haru biru maru.... ==’ Mujur mak aku bkn cikgu BM. Haha!
Atauuu.. mungkin sbb kita kat skolah tak berbahasa malaysia baku kot. Tak menggunakan kosa kata dan ayat pujangga. Hehehh. Ataupun mmg aku yg.... tuuuuuuuuuttttttttt. ==’ Ouch.

Moral of the story here is, silalah jgn jadi pemalas mcm sy. Haha. ^0^ Dan bnyk3 lah bersyukur kpd Allah, kerana Dia sgt SWEEET like honey. Renung kmbali kisah perjalanan hidup kita. Ketentuan Allah itu sememangnya cantik aturan Dia. Kalau kita pernah mengeluh dn mmpersoalkn takdir2 Allah satu ketika dulu, jom kita istighfar bnyk2. Sbb nanti suatu hari, kita akan sedar betapa cantek dan sweetnya ujian2 daripada Allah tu. Seriously.. >.<!! You don’t believe me?? Tanak caye sudah, name ko Bedah, klw nk brsyukur ckp Alhamdulillah. Hehe ^^p

Eh? O.o tadi aku kata nk pendekkan crita. Apasal jadi panjang plak nih!! >.< Aigo~ Maaf2.. I will stop now. Hehe.. THNX for reading my coret2 tentang hidup. ^^, . May Allah bless you and I.